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Restorative Dentistry

Even with the best preventive care, occasional dental issues may arise. Pediatric dentists are equipped to address these issues with gentle and effective restorative dentistry services, including:

Tooth-Colored Fillings:

If your child develops a cavity, your pediatric dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and fill it with a tooth-colored filling. This restores the tooth’s integrity and prevents further decay. 

Pulp Therapy:

In cases of advanced tooth decay or infection, your pediatric dentist may perform pulp therapy (similar to a root canal) to save the tooth and alleviate pain. 

Tooth Extractions:

When a baby tooth doesn’t naturally fall out and is obstructing the eruption of a permanent tooth, your pediatric dentist may recommend a gentle extraction to ensure proper dental development.   LEARN MORE

Pediatric Dental Crowns:

Our pediatric dentists are skilled in providing these restorative treatments while ensuring your child’s comfort and minimizing any anxiety associated with dental procedures.